Lee wan Wallpaper by va--lee wan




Lee wan
: : Wallpaper Name : : Lee wan
: : Creator Name : : va--lee wan
: : Category : : Korean Star
: : Resolution : : 800x600 Pixel
: : File Size : : 385 KB
: : Vote : : 0
: : View : : 7755 Times
: : Date Added : : 08 Mar 2006
: : Tag : :
: : Description : : ลีวาน น้อง คิม แต-ฮี

chichichick0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
너무 처음으로 내가 당신을 좋아해서 많은 동생 동영상을 시청 brother.when 내가 u를 사랑 그리고 you.I에 대해 찾아 자신의 이메일 주소를 ....... 알고 싶어 당신의 영화를보고 난 only.so 선택 ... 당신은 나에게 ........ 귀하의 이메일 계정을 보내주 내 페이 스북 계정에 stellazin ................... 감사의 동생이다 .... 제발 수있다면 .............

innnnnnngrith0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
,es un exito el trabajo q ases pero h__ tr______

decembernightgirl0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
koko ko chit tal

decembernightgirl0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
koko ko chit tal

song oo ko0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
Hi! I am Song Oo Ko.I am Myanmar.I like you very much.You are so cute.Really my Email is songooko@gmail.com.ok?

song oo ko
wan shin shin0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
hay.brother ,i like your style.your are cute and sexy. And your movie,tree of heaven is very good. i like this movie.

wan shin shin
sama0000-00-00 - 00:00:00

sama0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
my only wish is to have even one mail from you I'm waiting yumani!!!!!!!! :)

sama0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I do adore you ,words are inadiquate to express my feeling about you I wish you the best:)

ngelay0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
i love lee wan .he is very beautiful and very active .

chanchan0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
hi m from imphal in the corner of india ,i like u in tree of heaven .i think u r very cute in tree of heaven n i really want to see u in real life

sandy0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
realmente me encanta este niño ta bien lindo y se ve tan tierno

tarie0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
akuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiannnk bgttttt qmmmmmmmmm saranghaeeee opa

Andrea0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
ese es mi!!!!! OpPA**!!! ME GUSTA COMO ACTUAA y me encanta cuando actua en 'TREE OF HEAVEN' simplemente es mi oppa } SarangHaeYo OpPA!!**

juli0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
hoola soy una de tus admiradoras porq eres muy lindo y tus novelas tambien me agrada como actuas sigue adelante adios

marysol danny0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
hola eres mi actor faboryto y te admiro mucho por q eres muy lindo chauuuuu

marysol danny
marysol danny0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
hola eres mi actor faboryto y te admiro mucho por q eres muy lindo chauuuuu

marysol danny
Zeen!!!0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
ชอบจัง น่ารัก สเปคเลยอ่า อิอิ

sheng lee0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
omg diz niggah riote hea iz hella fione n shyte.. i hella love youh lee wan...

sheng lee
kabao0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
omg omg omg... i hella luv yew.. muchie luvs<3 hehehe....lol...

purplez0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
i like u in tree in heaven.. u make me cry..! huhu luv u..!

Kaew0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I love Lee wan so much.because of you make me cry with tree in heaven movie. kaew_tingtong

Lillian0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
Hey Boy You are so handsome and sexy. I Like your style!!! So cute!!!

Yesy_asuka0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
esta es una de las mejores fotos k encontre esta bien lindo ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

bluezcs0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I like his performance and he is very attractive.

MMTY0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
You are very handsome and very attractive. I like you very much. FIGHTING!

khou vang0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
i think that you are very cute and sexy honey!!!!!!!!!!. I hope that you write back sweet pie!

khou vang
jennifer0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
my friend thinks you are hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

meetuna mOUa0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
ummm... i think tat he ish reallie koote!! hehe... :D or say reallie HOT!! angel_mouaster@hotmail.com

meetuna mOUa
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Wallpaper by va--lee wan
Lee Dong Gun

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