Maria Lynn Ehren Wallpaper by jenny k




Maria Lynn Ehren
: : Wallpaper Name : : Maria Lynn Ehren
: : Creator Name : : jenny k
: : Category : : Thai Star
: : Resolution : : 1024x768 Pixel
: : File Size : : 261 KB
: : Vote : : 0
: : View : : 4430 Times
: : Date Added : : 10 Feb 2007
: : Tag : :
: : Description : : น่ารักที่สุดเลย นางแบบดาวรุ่งพุ่งแรงแห่งวงการแฟชั่นไทยคะ ตัวจริงน่ารักมั่ก ๆ เดินก็ดีด้วยคะ ถ่ายแบบก็สวย โอ๊ย !!! สรุปว่าชอบเธอคนนี้สุด ๆ คะ

Dr. Kuang 0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I vote 5 for you-the creator. Just for your information. Maria was just in Volume Magazine's cover page, and Hair World as well. Maria has BB (beauty & brain). I just love her.

Dr. Kuang
Chu Chu0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
Would like to see new photos of Maria. It's a request.

Chu Chu
Chivas0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I just vote for 5 - Maria is just fantastic. Lov her ja

LoMa0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
Would you put more/new photos of Maria. Just enjoy seeing her. Just read in Seventeen Magazine, 6th anniversary, she is top model and top student. Yahoooooo!!

6515650000-00-00 - 00:00:00

nongorn0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I miss you

Mama Mia0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
The movie reminded me of you Maria, you are half Sweish, aren't you. I love U.

Mama Mia
Ball 0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I vote for 5. I love Maria on the front cover of Cleo, with other two guys, you devil lucky you.

Jan0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I vote for 5. Maria is cute and just love her long nice legs. She has a pinky smooth skin.

Tom Yum0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
ยอดเยี่ยมเลยละน้องมารีญา อยากเห็นแสดงภาพยนต์จัง คงจะเด่นและไปไกลเลยละ ขอให้กำลังใจน้อมารีญาจ๊ะ

Tom Yum
Mickey 0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I vote for 5 N just saw Maria's commercial Lipton green tea. She is just sooooo cute.

Jin from Isb again 0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I wanna +++ u tonight, and touch ur boobs u skinny sexy biatch, BTW i did ur mama

Jin from Isb again
Jin from isb0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
U Ugly +++

Jin from isb
Mannie0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I vote for 5 and I love Maria. I follow up all her work. Keep up with your high standard Maria.

Tai0000-00-00 - 00:00:00

Manop0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I vote for 5 and I am amazed by Maria that she can be many characters and styles. She is wonderful.

Gorge 0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I vote for 5 and Maria can be many characters, I am amazed by her. Amazing Mariaaaaaaaaaaaa

Indra 0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I met her in person she is well-mannered and cute. I vote for 5

Jannie0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I saw Maria in Honda Jazz, she is cute, just love her. I bet she will have a long bright future. She can be anything. I am proud of Mariaaaaaaa.

S.0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I know her. She goes to my school.

Chaiwat0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
น่ารักมาก ๆ เชียร ขาดใจ

Janny Semour0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
She is so cute and I vote for 5.

Janny Semour
Alex Bjor0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
She is cute often see her on many magazines & Fashion Show in Chic Channel. I like her posture and the way she walk, she is born to be for sure. Hope she has a bright long future.

Alex Bjor
Sikarin0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
HAHAH!!!! SHE is one of my BEST FRIENDS!!!!

Vicha Ongard0000-00-00 - 00:00:00
I like her very much, she is outstanding and I learnt that she is a good girl with a high potential.

Vicha Ongard - 00:00:00
สุดยอดค่า พี่เจน ขออนุญาตินะคะ
Bro...K - EN [ D] My SouL0000-00-00 - 00:00:00

Bro...K - EN [ D] My SouL
รณรงค์ ช่วยกันเพิ่มคุณภาพการคอมเม้น
- การคอมเม้นมีข้อความด้วย จะเป็นแรงใจและมีประโยชน์ในการรพัฒนาผลงานมากว่าลงอีโมเฉยๆ
- ควรคอมเม้นเกี่ยวกับภาพมากกว่าการขอ vote back
Campaign for improving QUALITY of comments
- Commenting with texts will be a better way to cheer up and develop the creator more than only use emoticon.
- Commentators should comment about the "wallpaper" more than ask for vote back.
Code กรอกตัวอักษร ตามภาพ
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Wallpaper by jenny k
Harry Kewell With Liverpool
: # :: Bright Brush Blur V.2 :: # :
justin timberlake
kristin kreuk
No.5 Dew : The Star 5
around the world .. london
:: Life Go On Like Music <Pang> ::
:: Spirit of Parisian < Pinky > ::
:: God Save The World ::
:: It Birth Me < Paula > ::

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