Dinda : Sorry aku belum lihat editan kamu, kemarin aku buatnya! ini aku baru aja lihat editanmu. Beda loh chingu!
Caroline Lieanto
Dinda Ulayya Ammara
31 May 2013 - 12:22:43
Mirip kaya punya ku but aku tulisannya I Love K-pop and Punyaku Colorful ! Good
Dinda Ulayya Ammara
jover de castro
31 May 2013 - 12:16:49
nice idea
jover de castro
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Campaign for improving QUALITY of comments - Commenting with texts will be a better way to cheer up and develop the creator more than only use emoticon. - Commentators should comment about the "wallpaper" more than ask for vote back.