주몽/Joo-mong/Jumong/จูมง(MBC:May,2006), ทุกเสาร์-อาทิตย์ ทางช่อง 3 18.00-20.00น.

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:10:00 ]

New series: 주몽/Joo-mong/Jumong/จูมง(MBC:May,2006)

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KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:13:05 ]

Song Il-gook, Han Hye-jin, Jeon Kwang-ryeol, Oh Yeon-soo, Kim Seung-soo


[color=purple]Jumong(주몽) แสดงโดย Song Il-gook(송일국)
So Seo-no(소서노) แสดงโดย Han Hye-jin (한혜진)
Geum-wa(금와) แสดงโดย Jeon Kwang-ryeol(전광렬)
Yu Hwa(유화) แสดงโดย Oh Yun-soo(오연수)
Hae Mo Su(해모수) แสดงโดย Heo Joon-ho(허준호)
Dae-so(대소) แสดงโดย Kim Seung-soo(김승수)
영포 แสดงโดย Won Ki-joon (원기준)
Bu Duk Bul(부득불) แสดงโดย Lee Jae-yong(이재용)
Woo Tae (우태) แสดงโดย Jeong Ho-bin(정호빈)
사용(Sa Yong) แสดงโดย Bae Soo-Bin(배수빈)
Yeo Mi Eul(여미을) แสดงโดย Jin Hee-kyeong (진희경)
원 후 แสดงโดย Kyeon Miri(견미리)
Yeon ta bal (연타발) แสดงโดย Kim Byeong Ki (김병기)
부영 แสดงโดย Lim So-yeong (임소영)
협보 แสดงโดย Lim Dae-ho (임대호)
오이 แสดงโดย Yeo Ho-min (여호민)
마리 แสดงโดย Ahn Jeong-hoon (안정훈)

[color=indigo]예소야 แสดงโดย Song Ji-hyo (송지효)
양설란 แสดงโดย Park Tam-hee (박탐희)
나로 แสดงโดย 박남현
양정 แสดงโดย 윤동환
모팔모 แสดงโดย 이계인
무골 แสดงโดย 서범식
재사 แสดงโดย 차광수

Edit Date : 2007-10-19 ( 14:13:41 )
KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:15:07 ]

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:15:24 ]

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:18:08 ]

Song Il-gook (송일국)

เกิดวันที่ 1 ตุลาคม 2514 (1971)
สูง 185 cm.
หนัก 85 kg.
เลือดกรุ๊ป A
การศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัย Chung Joo

이름 : 송일국
출생 : 1971년 10월 01일
신체 : 신장-185cm, 체중-85kg
가족관계 : 어머니 배우 김을동, 여동생 배우 송송이
학력 : 청주대학교 연극영화과
데뷔 : MBC 탤런트공채 27기
수상 : KBS 연기대상 우수연기상/베스트 커플상/인기상(2005),
'코리아 패션 월드 어워드'(KFWA) 탤런트부문(2005), KBS 연기대상 신인상(2002),
KBS 연기대상 베스트커플상(2004)
경력 : 영화: 작업의 정석(2005), 레드아이(2004) TV: 주몽(2006), 해신(2004),
애정의 조건(2004), 장희빈, 거침없는 사랑, TV소설 인생화보, 물꽃마을 사람들,
사막의 샘, 보디가드
테마포토 : 작업계의 전설 '작업의 정석'

KBS : Emperor of the Sea (2004)
KBS : Terms of Endearment (2004)
MBC : People of The Water Flower Village (2004)
KBS : Bodyguard (2003)
MBC : Desert Spring (2003)
KBS: Jang Hui Bin (2002)
KBS : Hard Love (2002)
KBS : Album (2002)

The Art of Seduction(2005)
Red Eye(2004)

Photo Gallery จาก Yahoo Korea

จาก Hancinema

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:21:17 ]

Han Hye-jin (한혜진)

วันเกิด 27 ตุลาคม 1981
ส่วนสูง 163cm.
น้ำหนัก 46 kg.
การศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปะกรุงโซล
ความสามารถพิเศษ เปียโน

이름 : 한혜진
출생 : 1981년 10월 27일
신체 : 신장-163Cm, 체중-48Kg
가족관계 : 3녀 중 셋째
학력 : 서울예술대학 영화과
데뷔 : 한일합작드라마 '프렌즈'(2002)
수상 : MBC 연기대상 여자 최우수상(2005), KBS 연기대상 여자 신인연기상(2004)
경력 : 주몽(2006), 굳세어라 금순아(2005), 영웅시대(2004), TV소설 그대는 별(2004),
2004 인간시장(2004), 1%의 어떤 것(2003)
특이사항 : 가수 나얼과 연인사이
(ข้อมูลจาก popcornfor2 และ Yahoo Korea)

MBC : Be Strong, Geum-Soon! (2005)
KBS : You Are Star (2004)
MBC : Something About 1% (2003)
MBC : Inspector Park Mun Su (2002)
MBC : I Love Hyun Jung (2002)
MBC : Romance (2002)
MBC : Friends (2002)

Hi, Dharma 2: Showdown in Seoul (2004)
(ข้อมูลจาก popcornfor2 และ Yahoo Korea)

Photo Gallery จาก Yahoo Korea
ที่ Hancinema

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:23:26 ]

JUN KWANG RYUL (Jeon/Chun Kwang Ryeol)
Born: February 11, 1959
Family: married
School: Chukye Art University (Music major)
Talents: plays bassoon
TV dramas: Love & Sympathy (Chi-young); Age of Heroes (Dae-ho);
Royal Story; Trap of Youth (Young-guk); Huh Joon (Huh Joon);
Roses & Bean Spouts
Movies: Kiss Me Much
이름 : 전광렬
출생 : 1960년 02월 11일
신체 : 신장-173Cm,체중-72Kg
가족관계 : 아들 하나
학력 : 추계예술대학교,경희대학교
데뷔 : TBC 공채 22기
수상 : MBC 연기대상(대상,2000,허준)
경력 : 영화: 2424(2002), 베사메무쵸(2001), 마약퇴치 발전협 홍보대사
TV: 주몽(2006), 사랑공감(2005), 사랑찬가(2005), 만남, 장희빈, 허준, 청춘의 덫

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:23:59 ]

OH YEON SU (Oh Yon/Yun Soo)
Born: October 27, 1971
Height/Weight: 165 cm (5' 5") / 43 kg (95 lbs)
School: Danguk University
Family: married to actor Son Ji Chang
TV dramas: A Farewell to Tears (Yeo-jin); The Second Proposal (Mi-young);
Snowman (Yon-jung); Hard Love (Kyung-ju); The Law of Marriage;
Love & Success (In-ae)
Movies: The Happenings (1998); Fire Bird (1997); Winter With a Piano (1995);
Rule of the Game (1994); General's Son III (1992);
A Woman of Downstairs and a Man of Upstairs (1992)
이름 : 오연수
출생 : 1971년 10월 27일
신체 : 신장-165cm, 체중-43kg
가족관계 : 남편 배우 손지창, 아들 둘
학력 : 단국대학교 연극영화과
데뷔 : MBC 공채 19기
수상 : KBS연기대상 최우수연기상(2004), 제37회 납세자의 날 대통령표창(2003),
MBC연기대상 여자최우수상(1998)
경력 : 영화: 게임의 법칙(1994), 아래층 여자와 위층 남자(1992), 장군의 아들 3(1992),
기막힌 사내들 TV: 주몽(2006), 슬픔이여 안녕(2005), 두번째 프러포즈(2004),
삼김시대, 거침없는 사랑, 눈사람

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:24:43 ]

KIM SEUNG SU (Kim Seung Soo)
Born: July 25, 1973
Height/Weight: 181 cm (5' 11" ) / 72 kg (159 lbs)
School: Kyungki University (Physical Ed. major)
TV dramas: My Sweetheart (Ki-joon); A Million Roses (Hyun-kyu);
Sweetheart (Jong-tae); Wife (Sang-ho); Remember (Hyun-woo);
Fox & Cotton Candy (Su-kyo); Mina (Tae Hoon); Cool (Seung-woo);
Bad Friends (Jae-yong); Huh Joon; Man & Woman; Rookie; Kaist;
Roses & Bean Sprouts; Heart of Lies (one of Dae-sae's spoiled friends)
Awards: KBS Best Actor, Silver (2003)
E-mail address: seungs-k@hanmail.net
He can also sing.
이름 : 김승수
출생 : 1973년 07월 25일
신체 : 신장-181cm, 체중-72kg, O형
가족관계 : 1남 1녀 중 둘째
학력 : 경기대학교
데뷔 : MBC 26기 공채
수상 : KBS 연기대상 우수연기상(2003)
경력 : 뮤지컬: 카르멘, TV: 주몽(2006), 어여쁜 당신(2005), 그대는 별(2004),
아내, 리멤버, 쿨, 여우와 솜사탕, 백만송이 장미 등
KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:25:16 ]

Heo Joon-ho(허준호)
HUH JOON HO(Hu/Heo Jun Ho)
Born: April 14, 1964
Family: married to Lee Ha Yan; has 1 daughter.
Height/Weight: 180 cm (5' 11") / 75 kg (165 lbs)
School: Seoul Arts University
TV dramas: Letters to the Parents (Chang-soo); All In (Jong-ku);
I Love Hyun-jung (Sang-ho); Lost Empire: Hotelier (Mgr. Oh);
Bad Boys (Su-kyun); Roses & Bean Sprouts (Ho-sik); Power of Love (Kang-ho)
이름 : 허준호
출생 : 1964년 04월 14일
신체 : 신장-180cm, 체중-75kg
가족관계 : 아버지 영화배우 허장강, 딸 1
학력 : 서울예술대학
데뷔 : 영화 블루 스케치로 데뷔
수상 : 제41회 대종상영화제 남우조연상(2004)
경력 : 영화: 중천(2006), 강력3반(2005), 실미도((주)시네마 서비스,2003),
네 발가락(2002), 리베라 메(드림써치,2000), TV: 주몽(2006), 현정아 사랑해,
부모님 전상서, 나쁜 친구들, 올인
특이사항 : (주)장강엔터테인먼트 설립(2006)

Never to Lose(강력3반 - 2005)
Silmido(실미도 - 2003)
Libera Me(리베라 메 - 2000)
All In(올인 - 2003)
Hotelier(호텔리어 - 2001)
KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:25:55 ]

Song Ji-hyo (송지효)
출생 : 1981년 08월 15일
학력 : 경문대학
경력 : 영화: 요가학원(2006), 여고괴담세번째이야기:여우계단(2003), 썸(2003)
TV: 주몽(2006), 궁(2006)
데뷔 : 키키 표지 모델(2001)

Jumong/주몽 (MBC:2006)
Goong/Princess Hours/궁 (MBC:2006)
Some/썸 (2004)
Wishing Stairs/여고괴담 3 - 여우 계단 (2003)
KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:27:00 ]


Edit Date : 2007-10-19 ( 14:27:23 )
KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:27:52 ]

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:28:34 ]

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:30:04 ]

Hero Ake of cookie public entertainments Koguryo founding of a country myth revives with the drama. The opposite is gradually ..staying.. ..historical drama.. work in the MBC large river historical drama Gintaca and Korean age of 'Ake' telecasted by 60 work from the eighth of next month that put the pace together on the trend recently at the time of go up even in three country age as for the age. It is a handle that succeeds SBS that did Owauts including KBS that pulled popularity last year 'Neptune'(Silla Kingdom) recently 'It is Cawarabe'(100 settlements) and 'Yongeso Mun'(Koguryo) SBS Myac broadcast soon.

Stock taking a picture ground is all Minami state. MBC already boiled, made the agreement for the outdoor set construction, invested eight billion won in the site of 35,000 remainder tsubo, and had built the set place for the drama production of this that went out last May. Is the stage of the project of the dictionary of the remainder for two years Tioroccbemumide that is the passing 'Ake' silver subcontract production company?O and the olive nine cooperate, come to produce, and 30 billion won are turning on Sadamu in the gun production cost. It illuminates it to the introduction process at the Iron Age in full scale through 'Ake' Gin founding of a country process. Because opposite goes up by history of domestic TV drama thought disguise oldFather To+++a Sosohanashi of Ake is drawn, and life is treated in full scale ..hero who fought.. simultaneously by his and oil painting wife's sons resisting the country Ake (great this Mo) that founds Koguryo you may be (). led Nagatami by Flchousen after it ruins Not the number of balls but it tempers, and I am intention of capturing the television of ..Mi.. theater of new elements with an existing historical drama ..no various of modern sense that combines the generation it is possible to do enhancement.. though the scale that 'Ake' silver, especially by the drama is had is a seed of the boast.

Writer Tsewang and the number of plastic operations met.

When Yul used 'Azumaitacara', writer 'Yul' silvery the drama Tsewang used it. 'Yul' It was both groups and only the royal family was heroes in the historical drama drama in our country before ..this was... 'Normal course', 'Hairiness', and 'General money' these that were new historical dramas went out after 'Yul' setting up the record that exceeded the audience rating 60% and the impassioned performance of Zonganryol though it was so. Heroes who made an effort in his field told the tension assumed to see deep impression, the lesson of the life, and next time without fail jumping over the given position. In such a point, I ..historical drama that was adult male's monopoly thing.. have 'Great doctor of the drama' that spreads as all are equal to the generation and the crack number by Tsewang.

Is it ..".. painful?Plastic operation number .."' hairy disabled hairy 'Mass-produced it' '.. writer painful of me. His passed the time of hundreds of years at a dash and presented vivid impression to the present age spectator. He made a great line company and a great scene that did Namasab to the people entrance every time popular and led 'Hairy the disabled' formation naturally. Especially, very exceptional man who began to receive the reaction of a strong affirmative and the attachment straight from a young viewer is a clear man of talent a young mania layer was formed to the historical drama.

Izfan PD that undertook production was made "It was not ..the excessive application of imagination because of the drama it that reproduced the real existence character.." and Feelings between the people were modern and were Can Satoru and ..it was ..the minute.... ..table .. ..showing.. though "" clear reason.

"It is a focus in man who is more realistic than the hero. " 1 country in Ake

It is boy Ake that comes to be driven out by Imperial prince while being revealed own father To+++asoso existence though was born in king Cmuwa's of giving country son. Is an adversity of long time does win and So So No though done?Only king of the first empire Koguryo comes to stand from association. It is combined character with the every one of a challenge spirit that bright wit sharply solves the secret of clever and the ironware production and an intellectual cancer Gwynn ham in Akinajuts in man in anguish before it loves fatally.

1 country in Song to which the acting ability of flirting Meryoccnam transformed by charisma and movie 'Work clothes formula' of 'Neptune' romantic of the drama was shown received the evaluation of fit post to Akeakeyac from early time.

1 country in Song said, "It is an inside of the myth that became strong in the situation' hero 'When a man type that was more realistic was drawn, focus it".

So So No?"Powerful female Ega of history movement begins to come. "

Hiroinso So No with the lover of Ake simultaneously that accomplishes the dream of the empire?A female character the drama thought disguise attractive that peels off and orders the whole country holding without forgetting Ai and the ambition must become it.

Is Hanhegen to receive the whole nation's love to the body mostly by the acting ability of Hajime and Careida stoutly piled up Hiroinso So No in the age as for drama 'Gmusn when it is powerful easily'?Honored of Ototen's being done was obtained. 1 country in Song and Hanhegen in the play are Sadamu ..lover who loves.. simultaneously who comes to expand the confrontation of ..strike.. acting of fireworks To by an attractive character.

Hanhegen clarified the ambition of making only her powerful female image shape , saying that "When historical materials was studied and our women built South Korea race's history, taking a picture Watashi is good as how much large power had been demonstrated was understood".

"New king image challenge of existing frame of which it wakes up" Zonganryol king

Zonganryol Caredare is not an imagined number together ..suffering outside Gin'wi and the inside... king Cmuwa's of crack casting show table The thing of the present age of recent ..man who had shown the acting ability by 'Yul' that set up the audience rating record that passed 60%.. showed off the charm that not was ..rust... Especially, it is writer Tsewang met again in 'Ake' and meeting of Zonganryol is already feeling ..continuation.. in 'General hospital' department 'Yul' as for 'Big hit name goods drama'.

When it came to join the project this time feeling the charm in the shown point that there are number through king Cmuwa, Zonganryol : the image that cannot be done ..the current showing...

Zonganryol showed Dai strong desire in "It is ..the challenge to the king role that I alone who did not have the king whom viewers often saw with an existing historical drama showed with the number and seeing.." reason character while saying, "It is a target to show viewers the appearance of king Cmuwa who was mostly a man in front of ..the king it..".

Big and small..Kim..greed..lonely..reproduction.

King Cmuwa's of giving the first prince and bigness and smallness. He is a prince who was born as the fate of the confrontation that is not the avoided number is held. The existence of Ake that understands from younger brother (younger sister) and grows up together is a rival to whom did my existence and love. The story of Ake and a big and small prince who assumes that it kills by the brother of whom decreasing number appears with 'Ake' of the drama and different Fngmiggori.

As for a modern character of Kim So Ns who was the leading part of the serial drama every day, a big and small prince ancient giving Yumicoromo and the distance feeling are whiffing felt by me. He doesn't have Kim So Ns that we understood more though it does. Of a lot of Yoccocoro that started accomplishing the dream to which it was not able to be finished that the beard was raised wonderfully, and the time of 2,000 years flew by externals of Kim So Ns that came back in a strong look and a lonely, big and small prince were perfectly reproduced. National daily report cookie news tie-up company/Minami daily report Yun'yongso

Bgiza yys@yeongnam.com
KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:33:08 ]

Ake (Jumon): Actor Son Ilgc

King of Koguryo
It grows up as a son of Gmuwa that betrays father though it was born to the son of 'To+++asoso
(Hemos) and 'Making ..'.. willow (Yufa)'.

It marries other women who no her though one woman was loved all her life because it is bereaved without knowing the master to be father though father was done in Cawa.

However, all these trials and sadness cannot prevent his fate. It is said that the sky in Korea that was deprived is regained, Koguryo is founded, and South Korea race's history is held.


The summons west fellow (Sosono): Actor Han Hegen

Queen of iron
Because it was a woman, the mind was not extensible though it had had intelligence that abandoned the age. It fears death because it was the lesser power people, Kimodai had to experience a pain that was more painful than the death though it had.

It is wisest, reassuring those who help by improving him in the throne though was not
able to become the wife of the lover who loves all his/her life.

Not all love are the first queens whom South Korea race's history memorizes though
love was not regretted.


Taimot (Deso): Actor Kim Sns

Incarnation of envy
Person who had to give up love of the woman who loves when the father is deprived of love, and it grows up when making it to young depending with Ake.

Is does it lead to father To+++asoso death of Ake, and Sosono?To deprive, chooses
neither the means nor the method.

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:34:39 ]

Canecael (Gmuwa): Actor Chong Can'yol

King of love and hate
It surrenders to the country of after all and +++a ..solving.. ..rinse.. switches off back though a keen combat is done in rivalry with the country of in To+++asoso same it and friendship that was thicker than blood was divided.

To+++asoso Shinobu 'Make to the willow (Yufa)' is received in the wife and To+++asoso
child Ake is raised in love and hate and Tsmitsmican.


Making to willow (Yufa): Actor O Yons

Motherhood of sadness
Daughter of Habec family with pretty face falling in love momentarily of seeing
for the first time in everyone superb.

The tragedy that this family is exterminated by the reason of having given shelter to To+++asoso by army is experienced though the mind is done to attach and 'To+++asoso (Hemos)'that receives a fatal wound is nursed.

It gives birth to the wife of 'Canecael (Gmuwa)' to To+++asoso son 'Ake' though it fell into deep sadness hearing To+++asoso killed news.


To+++asoso (Hemos): Actor Ho Juno

Tragic hero
Hero of South Korea race who led Nagatami after Flchousen is ruined.
It is betrayed by 'Canecael (Gmuwa)' believed more than brotherly.
Takewaza is taught to son 'Ake' that was the born between loved wife 'Make to the willow (Yufa)' as a master of cannot awareness.
And, the life is lost before father and son's affection is exchanged.

KTH-kimtaehee club
[ 19-10-2007 - 14:35:59 ]

By Park Chung-a
Staff Reporter

Four, big-budget, historical TV dramas set in the Koguryo Kingdom (37 B.C. - A.D. 668) _ one of three Kingdoms of ancient Korea _ are concurrently in production. The last TV drama depicting the Koguryo Kingdom was made in 1964.
Different from most historical TV dramas that, up to now, focused on portraying everyday heroes from the Choson Kingdom (1392-1910), the four dramas center on portraying leaders' patriotic deeds and territorial victories set in the Koguryo Kingdom.

The first is MBC's 60-episode drama titled ``Chumong,'' depicting the founding myth of the ancient Kingdom. It will premiere on May 8.

SBS' historical drama ``Yongaesomun'' is about the heroic general of the Koguryo Kingdom who successfully defeated the Chinese army. KBS' ``Taejoyoung'' depicts the founding process of the Palhae Kingdom led by Taejoyoung, a general from the Koguryo Kingdom. The dramas will debut in July and August respectively and both will air 100 episodes.

The Palhae Kingdom (698-926) controlled much of what is now northern China.

Kim Jong-hak Production is in the process of making the 20-episode drama ``Taewangsashingi,'' which deals with the dynamic history of the Koguryo Kingdom, from its founding to the achievements of King Kwanggaeto, who expanded the territory to its largest size during his reign. The production is aiming to air later this year. It features hallyu star Bae Yong-june as King Kwanggaeto and has been already been garnering a great deal of attention both in and out of Korea.

The average production cost for each drama ranges from 3.4 to 4 billion won.

Yoo Dong-geun, right, to play heroic general of the Koguryo Kingdom in SBS' "Yongaesomun" /Courtesy of SBS
Experts have said such a boom of Koguryo-related dramas reflects people's increased interest toward the kingdom _ an interest resulting from a territorial dispute sparked two years ago between Korea and China over the Koguryo Kingdom which, at one point, dominated the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and much of what is today Manchuria, China. Some Chinese scholars have been trying to incorporate the history of the ancient kingdom into that of their own country.
Lee Hwan-kyong, an SBS a writer for ``Yongaesomun'' said the meaning of his work lies in restoring the lost history. Likewise, both ``Yongaesomun'' and ``Taejoyoung'' feature the famous battle of An Shi Fort in 644 in which the Koguryo army beat the Chinese army numbering more than 300,000 led by Tai Zong, King of the Tang.

``Production of such dramas is very meaningful as they will raise people's awareness and will put a new light on the history of Koguryo and Palhae,'' Yoon Myong-chol, a professor and historical scholar said.

Others also say producers should be careful about causing another distortion of history when they fill in the blanks of historical facts with fiction and fantasy.

``Although it may be natural that the dramas will show an interpretation of history from Koreans' viewpoints, still producers should always be aware not to gear them toward excessive nationalism or chauvinism,'' said Han Kyu-cho, a professor of Kyongsong University and president of the Koguryo Research Association.

Typically dramas show a range of spectrums. While the fantasy-oriented historical dramas ``Taewangsasingi'' and ``Chumong'' portray the kingdom based on imagination combined with basic historical research, ``Yongaesomun'' and ``Taejoyoung'' aim to recreate the Koguryo Kingdom as realistically as possible, based on thorough historical research.

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[ 19-10-2007 - 14:37:19 ]

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[ 19-10-2007 - 14:38:02 ]

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